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How to Plan Your Life
What you need to know to plan a life worth living.
We’ve reached the middle of the year, a time when you suddenly realise the year’s half over and you haven’t made any progress on your New Year’s Resolutions.
Maybe that’s because you’re not taking it seriously. Alexandria Blaelock, wrote Ms Blaelock’s Book of Planning a Worthwhile Life to help you start thinking about what direction your really want to be growing in.
“What is the point of messing about with tasks and activities that don’t get you closer to your long term goals?” Alexandria asked. “It’s time to put your life back into your life planning!”
Drawing on a career in business and project management, Alexandria Blaelock translates business planning techniques for your personal life, so you’ll get to the end of the year, satisfied you haven’t wasted it.
Ms Blaelock shares these five tips for planning a life worth living.
1. Prepare for the Rest of Your Life
Think about the kind of person you want to be. The kinds of things they’d value, and those they wouldn’t be caught dead doing. Consider what you need to do to become more like that kind of person.
2. Decide Your Priorities
What would that kind of person think was the most important thing. Family? Good grades? Making more money?
3. Choose Your Goals
Now that you got an idea about future you, consider how you can bridge the gap between the two, and make a plan to get there.
4. Schedule Time
Choosing goals is no use if you don’t act on them. Make time to do what’s required, whether that’s going to the gym, joining a class or doing the vacuuming.
5. Track How You’re Doing
You know where you’re going, so check in regularly to see if you’re still on the right path. And if not, consider whether you can catch up, or need to change your plan.
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