Planning a Life Worth Living (eBOOK)


PAPERBACK. BOOK FIVE IN THE MS BLAELOCKโ€™S BOOKS SERIES OF PRACTICAL AND USEFUL SELF-HELP/PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT BOOKS. Ever wonder why your goals aren’t taking you where you want to go? Or if they’re the right goals? Drawing on business and project management techniques Alexandria Blaelock reveals how to put your life back into your life planning.


Does every day lead you further towards a life you don’t want to lead?

Ever wonder why your goals aren’t taking you where you want to go? Or whether they’re even the right goals for you?

Drawing on business and project management techniques Alexandria Blaelock reveals how to put your life back into your life planning:

  • Prepare by working out your Vision, Mission and Values.
  • Decide your priorities.
  • Choose some meaningful goals.
  • Schedule time to “work” on them.
  • Track how you’re doing.

Don’t postpone your life, start living it!


Introduction 1
Preparation 5
Priorities 15
Goals 21
Clarity 29
Planning 33
Tracking 41
Conclusion 47
Glossary 49
Bibliography 51
Index 53
Authorโ€™s Note 54
About the Author 55


Life has a way of getting out of control.

You really want to get something done, but at the end of the day, or weekend, you havenโ€™t quite got there. Nor at the end of the week, or the end of the month.

And before you know it, another year has gone by and you still havenโ€™t done it.

Maybe you want to get a degree, but donโ€™t have four years to set aside to attend campus full-time. Perhaps smaller spaces within the fabric of your life might allow one or two units a semester; part-time or online.

Or you might want to take an overseas trip; Paris letโ€™s say. Youโ€™ll need to save some money, research the best flights, accommodation and sites to visit before assembling an itinerary. Plus look into visas and any vaccinations required to visit.

Or you might decide you want to buy a house. To succeed, youโ€™ll need a deposit, mortgage finance, and some kind of plan for choosing a property in an area you can afford.

These are all long-term goals, that need to be broken into shorter-term goals. Most commonly, annual goals based on New Yearโ€™s Resolutions.

Or maybe theyโ€™ll be for just a month or two, like slimming down for Summer, completing NanoWriMo, or running a marathon.

You canโ€™t achieve these goals without allocating time and money to them.

And youโ€™ll need to make choices about what youโ€™re willing to let go, so you have the time and money to achieve them.

It might be that youโ€™re one of those lucky people who can give yourself a Word of the Year and do perfectly well with just that.

I canโ€™t. If I didnโ€™t incorporate structure into my life, I would never get anything done.

Or you might get along perfectly well with a cast iron set of habits, day in and day out. And if thatโ€™s you, I envy you too, because I get massively derailed by the slightest thing.

This book lays out the process I use each year for my annual planning; business and personal lives.

  • Lay out my Vision, Mission and Values.
  • Decide my Priorities.
  • Choose some Goals.
  • Schedule time to โ€œworkโ€ on them, and if necessary, set up a budget.
  • Track how Iโ€™m doing.

I originally wrote parts of this book for the original Holistic Personal Finance, (now updated and republished as Ms Blaelockโ€™s Book of Holistic Personal Finance), and Ms Blaelockโ€™s Book of Minimally Viable Housekeeping.

This bookโ€™s for people who donโ€™t want or need the financial or household management aspects, but find they need to change their life, and need help sorting through their options.

In the original books, I included some sample families, and Iโ€™ve left them in to give you some idea of how you can adapt the processes for your needs.

I hope you find it useful.

Seeing as youโ€™re not looking at a print book, you donโ€™t need to worry so much about dog-eared pages or split spines.

But, we know youโ€™re probably going to read in the bathroom, or while youโ€™re eating lunchโ€ฆ So, just from a phone/tablet hygiene and safety point of view, please wash your hands, and donโ€™t drop the phone! Might be an idea to clean the screen now and again as well.

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